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Zeitzonen der Welt alphabetisch

Akt.Zeitzone/Sommer, Normalzeit, Abk., Sommerzeit aktiv, Aktuelles Datum, Uhrzeit, Abweichung von UTC
Afghanistan Time  +0430    2024-10-13 09:25:12  UTC +0450
Alaska Daylight Time  
  Alaska Standard Time (AKST)
AKDT  Sommerzeit  2024-10-12 20:55:12  UTC −0800
Arabian Standard Time  +03    2024-10-13 07:55:12  UTC +0300
Argentina Time  -03    2024-10-13 01:55:12  UTC −0300
Armenia Time  +04    2024-10-13 08:55:12  UTC +0400
Atlantic Daylight Time  
  Atlantic Standard Time (AST)
ADT  Sommerzeit  2024-10-13 01:55:12  UTC −0300
Australian Central Daylight Time  
  Australian Central Standard Time (CST)
ACDT  Sommerzeit  2024-10-13 15:25:12  UTC +1050
Australian Eastern Standard Time  AEST    2024-10-13 14:55:12  UTC +1000
Australian Western Standard Time  AWST    2024-10-13 12:55:12  UTC +0800
Azerbaijan Time  +04    2024-10-13 08:55:12  UTC +0400
Azores Summer Time  
  Azores Standard Time (AZOT)
+00  Sommerzeit  2024-10-13 04:55:12  UTC +0000
Bangladesh Time  +06    2024-10-13 10:55:12  UTC +0600
Bhutan Time  +06    2024-10-13 10:55:12  UTC +0600
Bolivia Time  -04    2024-10-13 00:55:12  UTC −0400
Brazil Time  -03    2024-10-13 01:55:12  UTC −0300
Brunei Time  +08    2024-10-13 12:55:12  UTC +0800
Cape Verde Time  -01    2024-10-13 03:55:12  UTC −0100
Central Africa Time  CAT    2024-10-13 06:55:12  UTC +0200
Central Brazilian Standard Time  -04    2024-10-13 00:55:12  UTC −0400
Central European Summer Time  
  Central European Time (CET)
CEST  Sommerzeit  2024-10-13 06:55:12  UTC +0200
Central Greenland Summer Time  
  Central Greenland Time (CGT)
-01  Sommerzeit  2024-10-13 03:55:12  UTC −0100
Central Indonesian Time  WITA    2024-10-13 12:55:12  UTC +0800
Central Daylight Time  
  Central Standard Time (CST)
CDT  Sommerzeit  2024-10-12 23:55:12  UTC −0500
Central Western Australia Time  +0845    2024-10-13 13:40:12  UTC +0875
Chamorro Standard Time  ChST    2024-10-13 14:55:12  UTC +1000
Chatham Daylight Saving Time  
  Chatham Standard Time (CHAT)
+1345  Sommerzeit  2024-10-13 18:40:12  UTC +1375
Chile Summer Time  
  Chile Standard Time (CLT)
-03  Sommerzeit  2024-10-13 01:55:12  UTC −0300
China Standard Time  CST    2024-10-13 12:55:12  UTC +0800
Christmas Island Time  +07    2024-10-13 11:55:12  UTC +0700
Chuuk Time  +10    2024-10-13 14:55:12  UTC +1000
Cocos Islands Time  +0630    2024-10-13 11:25:12  UTC +0650
Colombia Time  -05    2024-10-12 23:55:12  UTC −0500
Cook Islands Time  -10    2024-10-12 18:55:12  UTC −1000
East Africa Time  EAT    2024-10-13 07:55:12  UTC +0300
East European Summer Time  
  East European Time (EET)
EEST  Sommerzeit  2024-10-13 07:55:12  UTC +0300
Eastern Greenland Summer Time  
  East Greenland Time (EGT)
+00  Sommerzeit  2024-10-13 04:55:12  UTC +0000
East Timor Time  +09    2024-10-13 13:55:12  UTC +0900
Easter Standard Summer Time  
  Easter Standard Time (EAST)
-05  Sommerzeit  2024-10-12 23:55:12  UTC −0500
Eastern Indonesian Time  WIT    2024-10-13 13:55:12  UTC +0900
Eastern Kazakhstan Time  +06    2024-10-13 10:55:12  UTC +0600
Eastern Daylight Time  
  Eastern Standard Time (EST)
EDT  Sommerzeit  2024-10-13 00:55:12  UTC −0400
Ecuador Time  -05    2024-10-12 23:55:12  UTC −0500
Falkland Island Time  -03    2024-10-13 01:55:12  UTC −0300
Fernando de Noronha Time  -02    2024-10-13 02:55:12  UTC −0200
Further-eastern European Time  EET    2024-10-13 06:55:12  UTC +0200
Fiji Time  +12    2024-10-13 16:55:12  UTC +1200
Falkland Islands Standard Time  -03    2024-10-13 01:55:12  UTC −0300
French Guiana Time  -03    2024-10-13 01:55:12  UTC −0300
French Southern and Antarctic Time  +05    2024-10-13 09:55:12  UTC +0500
Galapagos Time  -06    2024-10-12 22:55:12  UTC −0600
Gambier Time  -09    2024-10-12 19:55:12  UTC −0900
Georgia Standard Time  +04    2024-10-13 08:55:12  UTC +0400
Gilbert Island Time  +12    2024-10-13 16:55:12  UTC +1200
British Summer Time  
  Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)
BST  Sommerzeit  2024-10-13 05:55:12  UTC +0100
Greenwich Mean Time  GMT    2024-10-13 04:55:12  UTC +0000
Gulf Standard Time  +04    2024-10-13 08:55:12  UTC +0400
Guyana Time  -04    2024-10-13 00:55:12  UTC −0400
Hawaii Daylight Time  
  Hawaii Standard Time (HAST)
HDT  Sommerzeit  2024-10-12 19:55:12  UTC −0900
Hovd Standard Time  +07    2024-10-13 11:55:12  UTC +0700
  International Date Line East (IDLE)
NZDT  Sommerzeit  2024-10-13 17:55:12  UTC +1300
Indian Ocean Time  +06    2024-10-13 10:55:12  UTC +0600
Indian Standard Time  +0530    2024-10-13 10:25:12  UTC +0550
Indochina Time  +07    2024-10-13 11:55:12  UTC +0700
International Date Line West  SST    2024-10-12 17:55:12  UTC −1100
Iran Standard Time  +0330    2024-10-13 08:25:12  UTC +0350
Irkutsk Time  +08    2024-10-13 12:55:12  UTC +0800
Israel Daylight Time  
  Israel Standard Time (IST)
IDT  Sommerzeit  2024-10-13 07:55:12  UTC +0300
Japan Standard Time  JST    2024-10-13 13:55:12  UTC +0900
Kaliningrad Time  EET    2024-10-13 06:55:12  UTC +0200
Korea Standard Time  KST    2024-10-13 13:55:12  UTC +0900
Korea North Standard Time  KNST    2024-10-13 13:25:12  UTC +0850
Krasnoyarsk Time  +07    2024-10-13 11:55:12  UTC +0700
Kyrgyzstan Time  +06    2024-10-13 10:55:12  UTC +0600
Kosrae Time  +11    2024-10-13 15:55:12  UTC +1100
Line Islands Time  +14    2024-10-13 18:55:12  UTC +1400
  Lord Howe Time (LHST)
+11  Sommerzeit  2024-10-13 15:55:12  UTC +1100
Magadan Time  +11    2024-10-13 15:55:12  UTC +1100
Malaysia Time  +08    2024-10-13 12:55:12  UTC +0800
Maldives Time  +05    2024-10-13 09:55:12  UTC +0500
Marshall Islands Time  +12    2024-10-13 16:55:12  UTC +1200
Marquesas Time  -0930    2024-10-12 19:25:12  UTC −0950
Mauritius Time  +04    2024-10-13 08:55:12  UTC +0400
Moscow Time  MSK    2024-10-13 07:55:12  UTC +0300
Mountain Daylight Time  
  Mountain Standard Time (MST)
MDT  Sommerzeit  2024-10-12 22:55:12  UTC −0600
Myanmar Standard Time  +0630    2024-10-13 11:25:12  UTC +0650
Nauru Time  +12    2024-10-13 16:55:12  UTC +1200
Nepal Time  +0545    2024-10-13 10:40:12  UTC +0575
New Caledonia Time  +11    2024-10-13 15:55:12  UTC +1100
New Zealand Daylight Time  
  New Zealand Standard Time (NZST)
NZDT  Sommerzeit  2024-10-13 17:55:12  UTC +1300
Newfoundland Daylight Time  
  Newfoundland Standard Time (NST)
NDT  Sommerzeit  2024-10-13 02:25:12  UTC −0250
Niue Time  -11    2024-10-12 17:55:12  UTC −1100
  Norfolk Time (NFT)
+12  Sommerzeit  2024-10-13 16:55:12  UTC +1200
Novosibirsk Time  +07    2024-10-13 11:55:12  UTC +0700
Omsk Time  +06    2024-10-13 10:55:12  UTC +0600
Pacific Standard Time  -08    2024-10-12 20:55:12  UTC −0800
PakistanTime  PKT    2024-10-13 09:55:12  UTC +0500
Palau Time  +09    2024-10-13 13:55:12  UTC +0900
Papua New Guinea Time  +10    2024-10-13 14:55:12  UTC +1000
Paraguay Summer Time  
  Paraguay Standard Time (PYT)
-03  Sommerzeit  2024-10-13 01:55:12  UTC −0300
Peru Time  -05    2024-10-12 23:55:12  UTC −0500
Philippine Standard Time  PST    2024-10-13 12:55:12  UTC +0800
Phoenix Island Time  +13    2024-10-13 17:55:12  UTC +1300
Pierre and Miquelon Daylight Time  
  Pierre & Miquelon Standard Time (PMST)
-02  Sommerzeit  2024-10-13 02:55:12  UTC −0200
Ponape Time  +11    2024-10-13 15:55:12  UTC +1100
Eastern Kazakhstan Time  +05    2024-10-13 09:55:12  UTC +0500
Reunion Time  +04    2024-10-13 08:55:12  UTC +0400
Sakhalin Time  +11    2024-10-13 15:55:12  UTC +1100
Samara Time  +04    2024-10-13 08:55:12  UTC +0400
Samoa Standard Time  SST    2024-10-12 17:55:12  UTC −1100
Seychelles Time  +04    2024-10-13 08:55:12  UTC +0400
Singapore Standard Time  +08    2024-10-13 12:55:12  UTC +0800
Solomon Islands Time  +11    2024-10-13 15:55:12  UTC +1100
South Africa Standard Time  SAST    2024-10-13 06:55:12  UTC +0200
Sri Lanka Time  +0530    2024-10-13 10:25:12  UTC +0550
Suriname Time  -03    2024-10-13 01:55:12  UTC −0300
Tahiti Time  -10    2024-10-12 18:55:12  UTC −1000
Tajikistan Time  +05    2024-10-13 09:55:12  UTC +0500
Tokelau Time  +13    2024-10-13 17:55:12  UTC +1300
Tonga Time  +13    2024-10-13 17:55:12  UTC +1300
Turkmenistan Time  +05    2024-10-13 09:55:12  UTC +0500
Tuvalu Time  +12    2024-10-13 16:55:12  UTC +1200
Ulaanbaatar Time  +08    2024-10-13 12:55:12  UTC +0800
Universal Time Coordinated  UTC    2024-10-13 04:55:12  UTC +0000
Uruguay Standard Time  -03    2024-10-13 01:55:12  UTC −0300
Uzbekistan Time  +05    2024-10-13 09:55:12  UTC +0500
Vanuatu Time  +11    2024-10-13 15:55:12  UTC +1100
Venezuela Standard Time  -04    2024-10-13 00:55:12  UTC −0400
Vladivostok Time  +10    2024-10-13 14:55:12  UTC +1000
Volgograd Time  MSK    2024-10-13 07:55:12  UTC +0300
Wake Island Time  +12    2024-10-13 16:55:12  UTC +1200
Waktu Indonesia Bagian Tengah  WITA    2024-10-13 12:55:12  UTC +0800
Wallis & Futuna Time  +12    2024-10-13 16:55:12  UTC +1200
West Africa Time  WAT    2024-10-13 05:55:12  UTC +0100
West Samoa Time  +13    2024-10-13 17:55:12  UTC +1300
Western European Time  +01    2024-10-13 05:55:12  UTC +0100
Western Indonesian Time  WIB    2024-10-13 11:55:12  UTC +0700
Western Kazakhstan Time  +05    2024-10-13 09:55:12  UTC +0500
Yakutsk Time  +09    2024-10-13 13:55:12  UTC +0900
Yap Time  +09    2024-10-13 13:55:12  UTC +0900
Yekaterinburg Time  +05    2024-10-13 09:55:12  UTC +0500

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